
Financial Management

This course helps you understand the key principles and concepts of financial management and how it works in business in a straightforward and practical way. It explains why cash is king and will help you prepare financial plans, control budgets and particpate in capital investment proposals.

It consists of a downloadable Concept book in magazine style with 16 articles on all the key principles and theories and a downloadable 60 page Application workbook that gives you techniques to apply this in your work.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Evaluate an organisation’s performance using the main financial statements
  • Contribute to the budgeting and other planning exercises within an organisation
  • Assign costs to products and contribute to decisions on pricing
  • Participate in the preparation of capital investment proposals
  • Describe the main sources of funding for an organisation
  • Explain the subjective nature of much accounting information